Saturday, July 3, 2010

From Falafel to Samosa

One day of spring 2010, R and D decided they needed a project. Something fun, interesting, adventurous and preferably tasty. They were on their way to the beach in a spiffy red car, throwing around ideas - let's travel around Israel and visit as many people we know! no, no, let's find as many PLACES with names of people we know... ICE CREAM! we should go to all the boutique ice-cream factories in the country. No, chocolate factories, home made chocolate. Bakeries, north, south, up, down... Indian food. Yes, Indian food. We will travel the breadth and the length of our small country in search of the best samosa, dahl and chapati. That will be our mission. We will find the places, visit them and write a blog.

Fast forward to summer 2010.
D is involved in creating a community of healthy, eco-loving young professionals in Washington DC (no neck tie please!) and R is... well, just is. And it's about time they started writing already.

This is a blog dedicated to travel, adventure and delicious food.
