Sunday, March 4, 2012

New York, New York

Date: Presidents Day Weekend, 2012
Name: Curry Heaven
Address: 513 Grand St, Brooklyn, New York

A trip to New York isn't complete until you've seen your friends and eaten good food. According to these criteria, the weekend was a smashing success. Our last night there, we decided (OK, I strongly directed the decision) to seek Indian food. Per Chris's suggestion, we headed to Curry Heaven.

Last time you saw this duo, they were likely in diapers

The menu made some pretty strong suggestions, including dishes to try before you die. We ordered vegetable samosa, baguni, saag panir, chana masala, and aloo matar gobi. Papadams were delivered to our table with 3 chutneys: tamarind with a hint of cinnamon, red with onion, and jalapeno, both extremely spicy.

High Expectations

Chutneys - colorful, flavorful, and spicy!

The samosas were good. The potatoes were firm and the dough was thick and flavorful (if we had a nickel for every time I used those adjectives, this blog make the NYTimes best-seller list), but I was disappointed by the (frozen?) corn and green beans inside.


The baguni was quite good, but don't rush over to Brooklyn in anticipation of the Rapture. Not exactly as amazing as promised. The gobi was the ultimate let-down, utterly flavorless. The saag panir was good, and we might even re-order it in the future, although its excessive creaminess was questionable.


Blogger's Special - a surprise (and surprisingly cold) dessert

The ambiance wasn't anything to blog about, although the television played Indian video clips, including one of synchronized singers in the ocean. All in all, a good time, although next time I'll subway over to Manhattan.