Monday, December 2, 2013

Goodbye, Ichikidana

Date: Sept. 27, 2013
Name: Ichikidana
Address:  Mahane Yehuda, Jerusalem 

Featured on this blog before, Ichikidana was a Jerusalem gem. Decently priced, varied  menus, vegan/vegetarian, and delicious. A few months back, I'd interviewed the owner, Lehava, for a pilot radio story about Jerusalem eateries who serve kosher food, yet refuse to pay the rabbinate for a certificate. 

At that time, Lehava had told me she was closing, but swore me to silence. Rent had become too much, and she preferred to continue cooking as a catering service. She hadn't given me an exact date. One warm Friday, R and I spontaneously decided to head over for lunch. Lo and behold, a sign announced it was their last day. 

We had samosas and shared some deliciousness. Our spontaneous lunch meant no camera, but believe us, the food was amazing. We wish Lehava the best of luck in all her future endeavors, culinary and otherwise!  

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